Comparing Vinyl And Linoleum Floors

8 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Vinyl and linoleum flooring are two of the most common types of flooring materials on the market. Though they have similar appearances, both types of flooring are vastly different from each other due to their unique material qualities, and as such carry a respective distinctive set of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding the differences between vinyl and linoleum floors can help you choose the one that is the best fit for your home's floors.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is made out of plastics, and as such is extremely durable and easy to clean. Vinyl flooring is nonabsorbent and will resist mold growth and water damage, and will not begin to warp over time due to water exposure. This makes vinyl flooring very easy to clean, as wet cleaning methods won't damage the floor. Furthermore, vinyl tiles tend to be less expensive when compared to their linoleum counterparts, though this will depend on the thickness of the tile and quality of material.

However, vinyl has a few downsides. Firstly, vinyl tile's colors and patterns are stamped onto the top of the surface in a thin layer, which means that as the floor wears down over time, the design and colors will fade and eventually disappear. This means that you may want to replace your vinyl tiles sooner than compared to linoleum tiles in order to maintain the aesthetic within your home. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, vinyl flooring can begin to fade or yellow after prolonged exposure to sunlight, which can also ruin the aesthetic of your floors.

Linoleum Flooring

Linoleum flooring is made out of various natural materials, which means that some brands are sustainably harvested and environmentally friendly. Linoleum is mold resistant and easily resists stains and heat damage. Additionally, the designs and colors of linoleum tiles go all the way through the material, which means that the design will not fade over time due to wear as it would with vinyl tiles. This can help extend the lifespan of your floors, and will reduce the amount of money that you will have to spend replacing worn down tiles when compared to vinyl flooring.

However, linoleum flooring is not as waterproof as vinyl flooring. While it will resist water exposure, it can still become damaged with prolonged exposure. This means that linoleum floors are not ideal for installation in areas with high amounts of moisture, like the bathroom or kitchen. Furthermore, linoleum's susceptibility to water damage means that it has to be sealed during installation, increasing installation costs and time.

Talk to a flooring installation company for more information. 
