How To Maintain Your Garage's Expoy Flooring

29 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Since garage flooring generally takes on a lot of stress, such as the weight of cars, lawnmowers and other lawn equipment, they need to be strong and durable. If your garage's flooring is made of a weaker material, it will be more susceptible to cracks, chips, and general wear and tear. It may pay off in the long-run to have the flooring coated with a stronger substance so that you aren't consistently paying for  costly repairs.

One garage flooring material that is known for its durability and strength is epoxy coating. Not only is it one of the toughest and hardiest materials available for garage flooring, it can also elevate the appearance of a plain cement floor.

Epoxy is a resin that is applied with a brush, similar to paint. After you apply it to your garage floor, it will have to cure for the manufacturer's recommended amount of time so that it properly adheres to the concrete. After it's cured, the epoxy will be very resistant to chipping, cracking, stains from chemicals such as car oil, and abrasions. 

Even though the epoxy is durable, you'll still need to regularly maintain it so it looks its best. Following are some general care and cleaning tips:

Daily Care 

Every day or at least every other day, depending on how busy your garage is, use a broom and dust pan to remove any debris, such as dirt, sand and pebbles, from the epoxy flooring. While your garage floors don't need to be sparkling clean, it's important to remove any hard objects with sharp edges, such as rocks or stones, that could damage the epoxy. 

If you keep running over these objects with your vehicle or lawn equipment, they could cause the flooring to degrade over time. Regular sweeping will also prevent the dirt and debris from being tracked into your home.

Weekly or Monthly Care 

Depending on how much activity your garage floor has, mop it either weekly or monthly. In between the scheduled cleanings, try to remove any liquids that could cause stains as soon as possible. Simply fill a bucket with an 8-to-1 ratio of water and a gentle, grease-fighting dish detergent, and apply the mixture to the flooring with a sponge mop.

If you need to remove any stubborn stains, such as tire marks, scrub the areas with a non-abrasive brush and some concrete de-greaser. Avoid using vinegar or any products containing natural citrus, as they can make the epoxy surface less shiny and attractive. 

Talk to a contractor, like Garden State Floor Restore, for more help.
